At last, a blog for Coalition of The Willing! I thought it was time to create a central place where everyone's work in progress can be shown. Thanks to all the collaborators for allowing me to show their developing work. This blog is mainly for the purpose of connecting the collaborators, showing work as it progresses and announcing any developments. The blog isn't meant to be the public face of the film. The film's website is currently being developed. So finally, just to say that Coalition Of The Willing is already shaping up into a wonderfully rich and diverse piece of work, an enormous thank you to everyone involved.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Counter Culture Swarm

Counter Culture Swarm from Simon Robson on Vimeo.

This shot illustrates the part of the film that talks about how the counter culture movement of the late 1960s was the result of a swarm of people with aligned goals acting together. I immediately had the idea of taking various footage clips from the counter culture and showing these being assembled out of many small constituent parts.

I knew this would be a 3D particles job, but I really didnt have the expertise to tackle it. In my Maya days I started getting into particles but fell over when it came to 'mel' scripting. So, i was put in touch with one Andreas Gebhardt by a friend of mine, Jon Saunders form Psyop. At the time Andreas was working at Psyop in R&D. I dont want to try and describe exactly what Andreas does, I'd fail miserably. Suffice it to say that as far as I understand it he's pushing the limits of 3D R&D in Xsi. Andreas took my rather shonky concept visual for the shot (See below) and turned it into something wonderful. And i never got chance to even buy him a beer when i was in NYC. But one day I will, oh yes...

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