At last, a blog for Coalition of The Willing! I thought it was time to create a central place where everyone's work in progress can be shown. Thanks to all the collaborators for allowing me to show their developing work. This blog is mainly for the purpose of connecting the collaborators, showing work as it progresses and announcing any developments. The blog isn't meant to be the public face of the film. The film's website is currently being developed. So finally, just to say that Coalition Of The Willing is already shaping up into a wonderfully rich and diverse piece of work, an enormous thank you to everyone involved.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Capitalism off guard - latest

Capitalism off guard - latest from Simon Robson on Vimeo.

Here's the latest version of 'Capitalism off guard'. Burnt match hands now pick up the little jumping characters, pull off their cork heads and their 'inner selves' spurt out and get bottled up for sale. All very symbolic don't you know...
The last sequence from spurts to bottle was all shot on the Clapham Rd multiplane, with tons of blue oil paint on the bottom plane for the background. The sequence took about 5 days to shoot, but it was worth it!
I'll start posting this sequence some time in the new year, doing a proper job on keying and adding backgrounds...More updates soon.


  1. Oh lordy, Simon, this is looking so beautiful! It really really is. You can really feel the paper and card in that opening shot. I can't wait to see this all strung together within the film.
