Capitalism off guard - latest from Simon Robson on Vimeo.
'Coalition of the Willing' proposes a new strategy for the war on global warming. This animated film explores how we could use new internet technologies to leverage the powers of activists, experts, and ordinary citizens in collaborative ventures addressing climate-related problems. The film outlines a model of a web 2.0 network consisting of three sites, each targeting a different audience (activists, experts, and ordinary citizens). Through simple analyses of open source culture, swarm activity, and social revolution, 'Coalition of the Willing' makes a compelling case for the effectiveness of this network. It offers a response to a major problem of our time: how to galvanize and enlist global publics in the fight against global warming.
World Leaders - Clichéd 60s complete from Simon Robson on Vimeo.
cliched sixties animatic from Simon Robson on Vimeo.
Capitalism off guard from Simon Robson on Vimeo.
Loyalkaspar - open source faces test from Simon Robson on Vimeo.
Counter Culture Swarm from Simon Robson on Vimeo.
Open Innovation Centre from Simon Robson on Vimeo.
High Profile Online destinations from Simon Robson on Vimeo
This shot champions the central idea of the film; that bespoke online destinations enabling people to exchange knowledge and ideas on climate change could launch the grassroots movement the war effort needs.
On the back of a conversation I had with a work colleague I thought I'd give paint on glass a shot. I did a few online searches and found this site: http://www.awn.com/mag/issue3.2/3.2pages/3.2student.html In the article Wendy Tilby talks about using gouache paint mixed with glycerin liquid. It took me a while to get the consistency right, but it works a treat. Paint on glass is laborious and tricky, but I find it quite theraputic and the results are worth it.
For this shot the guys at Clapham Rd set me up with under lighting and a white perspex sheet with glass over the top.
Basically I've fallen in love with paint on glass animation, despite the fact that it's a painstaking process. I'm pretty sure that, combined with other media, it's going to be a staple of my work from now on...
Over The Counter Culture from Simon Robson on Vimeo.
F5: Simon Robson and Tim Rayner from F5 on Vimeo
At the end of April 2009, Tim and I spoke at the F5 conference in New York. We were invited to speak by Justin Cone, director of the conference. The stage provided a perfect venue for us to talk about Coalition of The Willing.
To be honest Tim and I were seriously worried about the event. We were talking at an event full of 'big hitters' and were scheduled to speak after Rachael Maddow and before Charlie White! So we put tons of work into prepping our speech and practiced probably like 8 times. In the end it went really well and F5 proved to be the venue where we met many of our now collaborators! It's a long talk running at around 45 mins, but hopefully worth a watch...